Career Coaching
Take control of your future. Define your next chapter.
When you don’t, someone else will.
Have you ever felt…
You're good at what you do, but don't enjoy it anymore and it's starting to affect your personal life.
You have a stable job, make good money, are “climbing the ladder”, yet have too many responsibilities to make a change.
What you do isn't aligned with your interests and values. You feel disconnected from the work, the people, or the company.
You don't know where to start. You want to make a change, yet there are too many pieces to put together.
You know you're capable of more and can go further in your professional life, but it's not happening for you right now.
You don't want to disappoint others, you're concerned how they'll react, and worst of all, what if it doesn't work?
We all get stuck at some point in our work lives. When it comes to working, many people choose a path or fall into a job early in life, invest in education and training, and begin building a career. On the surface, it looks like we're successful - stable job, promotions, good money, a decent company, and we're really good at what we do. Yet, one day we realize that path has lost its luster and our employer is choosing our next career move or promotion, instead of us.
You owe it to yourself to make a change. A real change. You spend nearly 80,000 to 90,000 hours over 40+ years of your life working, and you deserve to spend those remaining working years doing something you enjoy. Something that makes you proud. Something you get excited about. Something that doesn't compromise your lifestyle, and even improves it.
Take the next step, invest in yourself, explore a different path, and create your future. If you don't, someone else will.
Create Your Future Career Coaching
We'll build a foundation for your future by working together to get clear on your life goals and what you want in a career by codifying what motivates and excites you and combine that with your unique talents and strengths. We'll identify potential opportunities, as well as ideal companies and cultures.
We'll create a custom plan based on the opportunities you want to explore, and optimize how you position yourself. Sometimes this involves reworking your resume and LinkedIn, or possibly continuing your education. Other times it's starting something on the side, or launching the business of your dreams.
We'll work together to turn your plan into reality. We'll do everything from expanding your network and company research to interview prep and job offer negotiations. We'll meet regularly to refine your plan and adapt to changes so that you can start your next chapter and feel more fulfilled in your work and life.
We’ll create a scorecard to help you measure your satisfaction along the way as you enter your next chapter, so you can pivot and plan.
A comprehensive career coaching framework - we'll meet one-on-one via video or phone to map out your future and gain the confidence you need for your next chapter. I'll help you with the entire process, from figuring out what's next and creating a plan to get you there, to helping you set yourself apart from other candidates, and teaching you how to have opportunities find you.
Since everyone's situation is different, we'll take a custom approach based on your needs, combined with some tried and true methods. Knowing that things don't always go as planned, we'll create a solid foundation and options, so that you can pivot when needed.
This is great for individuals who aren't sure what they want to do next, for career changers, for people who want their career to align more closely with their values, and for those who want to grow in their current career.
Find a time below for a complimentary 15 minute session to learn more.
Individual Coaching Sessions and Engagements
Focused sessions to meet your needs.
Individual Career Coaching Sessions or short term engagements help you work through anything career related whether it’s at your current job or if you're looking for a new one.
You can bring a list of questions, we can do a mock interview, discuss salary negotiations, resume tips, LinkedIn questions, figure out how you can make changes in your current job, get started on your next step, networking, how to target ideal companies, get promoted, evaluate an opportunity, ask for a raise, or whatever comes your way in the job search process or how to improve your current position.
Find a time below for a complimentary 15 minute session to learn more.